Friday, November 6, 2009

hustle and bustle +_+

huh! what a hectic life!
can't even find time to update my blog +_+
finished pmr is not all that great and cool..
we're not even that free..
well, mayb the first three days we were free..
but then.. not anymore,
there's just too many things to do!
drama,co curriculum day,birthday girl,add maths,performance n more!
and the latest is MAJAKA
which stands for majlis jalinan kasih :)
well, n there's carnival in the evening~
coolio~ +_+
hahah, i'm in charge for performance :) with some of my friends.
haha. including my best friend, ADIBAH
haha. nice!~
n the good news is that, tarian's n bowling's proposal had been accepted!
wee~ n we have to do exhibition for robotic too.
so i'm gonna be extremely buzy :)
i like to be buzy though..
prevents me from thinking about something useless :)
haha!~ OMG!
that reminds me of......
the robotic's exhibition!
the pictures!info!track!games!face painting!shirt painting!
ohh~ i have to plan quick!
i havent even buy things for the tarian's stall..
i really should check up with the president..
see if she had done the permission letter for us to go out and buy some stuff..
haha +_+ ,
ouh, just got the information,
it's not allowed by the pk hem,
aish! omg2!
robotic is so0o0o freakin' cool!
our booth gonna be like whoa!
haha :) i'm thrilled!
we've added some stuff just now,
so it's gonna be better!yeay!
and i get to do some scribbling~ yes!
haha :) love art love dance love work
but i really hate when i did something wrong
and lately, as a pmc, i did too many wrongs
and i was like, 'what the?! whats happening with myself?!'
i mean,seriously,
whats up with all this mistakes?
am i nuts? urgh! gosh!
i cant afford to do anymore mistakes,
seriously! and i hope i won't.
yesterday,we did something wrong,
though its not really 100% our fault,
but the person didnt admit,
hmm..pride i guess,
well, that makes me respect her less,
and today,we did something wrong, AGAIN!
and that really pissed me off~ aish,
btw,i'm really2 absolutely buzy right now,
so, sorry if i dont really talk to you (whoever that is)
i'll be free on nex week.
pray that i dont make anymore mistakes +_+

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