Wednesday, September 23, 2009

embrace the madness

Behind this mask

There exists

A space between bone and flesh

Between truth and deception

This place is empty

Free of emotion, of fear, of condescension (you agree to do something which you do not consider to be good enough for your social position)

Unscathed (without injuries or damage being caused) by the corrupting pains of society

This place is the refuge (protection or shelter from danger, trouble, unhappiness, etc) for all who dared to stand apart from the rest

For all who fell into the gamble of life and lost there bet

This place is one which is shared but unknown

Its residents know not of each other and not of each others doings

But only of themselves and the enveloping closure which surrounds them

This place of tranquility (calm) and neutral ambivalence (having two opposing feelings at the same time, or being uncertain about how you feel)

Is one which can hide and heal the bleeding wounds

Gouged (to make a hole in something in a rough or violent way) into the estranged soul for the lack of uniformity

(somesort cm 2 soul yg terpisah cz tade chemistry gitu?)uish..x pham..hahah..

To find this place is both a blessing and a curse

Living within the confines (limit) of the space can take its toll

Like a drug it becomes a tiring addiction

In which it will only aid the triumph (a very great success or a feeling of great satisfaction) of your affliction (something that makes you suffer)

With bloodied arms and bitter tongues

Rip free this mask and dispel this environment

Irony (a situation in which something which was intended to have a particular result has the opposite or a very different result) in itself

The comforting home, the poisonous succubus

The means of escaping reality and fact

Tear free this mask and face life and society

Tell it who and what you are

Convey your emotions, fill your eyes

With the adversity (a difficult or unlucky situation or event), the pain, the torture you were bared in

Make clear you are finished, veiling (uncover something) your true emotion

Write on the walls, scream raving and mad

Be proud of your insanity (when something is not sensible), embrace (to accept something enthusiastically) it as a persona (the particular type of character that a person seems to have, which is often different from their real or private character)

Paint in maddened frenzy, write in dizzy verse

Sing in melancholy (sad) rhythm, dance in flailing (to move energetically in an uncontrolled way) aneurisms

Call forth the madness which has been suppressed for so long

Its time to shine is now, its time to hide is gone

Let it pulse through out your body

Let it imbibe (receive into the mind and retain) and take hold of your life

Jump forth into this new found pride

Feel the pressures of society subside ( To sink to a lower or normal level/ To become less agitated or active)

1 comment:

  1. mmg power gile ah!!
    bgus btul la ko pnye BI eh??
    bestnye~ko copy je ni..hahaha
