x tau ah cne kteorg bley survive..
but afta sboh me tido lahh..haha :)
this petang..i pegi beli barang2..
hurm.. money~ spent until negatif..
hahah..bgg sket..but what to do..xley regret..
i luv 2 shop :)
then2 balek2 uh.. tetibe dgr baby nges..
omg! my aunt left her baby here..
not tertinggal yeah..its meninggalkan~
hahah :) n then...
guess who make her stop crying?

so yeah..dukung2 dye..jalan2 sme..
n then my bro pegi kacau n then dye nanges blk..
urgh! then kne pujuk2 dye bgai...
gave her a card..
then dye stop nanges jap..
then my bro kacau balek! ish!
rse nk tendang je my bro..hahah..
then i bwk dye naek my room..
naseb baek my room byk~ sgt teddies!
so dye maen ngan bear2 tu sume..
but i still ngah dukung dye..the whole time!
very lenguh lah my hand..

nk dukung dye n all the bears~
haish..n then i duduk lah..baru duduk muke dah masam blk..
dye tolak2 kaki..n say..
" naek..naek.."
n then i hav to bgn blk bwk dye jln2..
then i duduk blk..(nk maen com ah)
then dye tolak2 kaki dye lgih..
"alaa..x nk duduk ke?" "xnk..xnk.."
aish.. bwk dye jln2 lgih..
n finally i said..
"alaa..duduklahh..akak penatlah..."
tnpe bertimbang rse, me duduk n bkk laptop..
hahah :) tnjk dye video korean sumer..aiyo0~
n then nk on9 at the same time..
so, fb half of the page, n movie half of the page.
sangat ssh nk on9..plus..i'm on the bed n i can't move!
cz she's sitting on my lap!
so there goes my free babysitting service..
hahah :) n btw,,her name is.
cz she's sitting on my lap!
so there goes my free babysitting service..
hahah :) n btw,,her name is.