went to kb mall.
ate tom yam.
went to pantai tok bali if i'm not mistaken,
going to pasir puteh tomorrow.
bought cereal n milk just now.
for breakfast tomorrow.
haha.yummay!! :P
Monday, June 7, 2010
chu~listen to this. the queen of my heart,
So here we stand
In our secret place
With a sound of the crowd
So far away
And you take my hand
And it feels like home
We both understand
It's where we belong
So how do I say?
Do I say goodbye?
We both have our dreams
We both wanna fly
So let's take tonight
To carry us through
The lonely times
I'll always look back
As I walk away
This memory
Will last for eternity
And all of our tears
Will be lost in the rain
When I've found my way
Back to your arms again
But until that day
You know you are
The queen of my heart
Queen of my heart
So let's take tonight
And never let go
While dancing we'll kiss
Like there's no tomorrow
As the stars sparkle down
Like a diamond ring
I'll treasure this moment
Till we meet again
But no matter how far
(Matter how far)
Or where you may be
(Where you may be)
I just close my eyes
(I just close my eyes)
And you're in my dreams
And there you will be
Until we meet
Oh yeah
You're the
Queen of my heart
(Of my heart)
No matter
How many years it takes
(Queen of my heart)
I'll give it all to you
Oh yeah
(Queen of my heart)
Oh yes you are
The queen of my heart
In our secret place
With a sound of the crowd
So far away
And you take my hand
And it feels like home
We both understand
It's where we belong
So how do I say?
Do I say goodbye?
We both have our dreams
We both wanna fly
So let's take tonight
To carry us through
The lonely times
I'll always look back
As I walk away
This memory
Will last for eternity
And all of our tears
Will be lost in the rain
When I've found my way
Back to your arms again
But until that day
You know you are
The queen of my heart
Queen of my heart
So let's take tonight
And never let go
While dancing we'll kiss
Like there's no tomorrow
As the stars sparkle down
Like a diamond ring
I'll treasure this moment
Till we meet again
But no matter how far
(Matter how far)
Or where you may be
(Where you may be)
I just close my eyes
(I just close my eyes)
And you're in my dreams
And there you will be
Until we meet
Oh yeah
You're the
Queen of my heart
(Of my heart)
No matter
How many years it takes
(Queen of my heart)
I'll give it all to you
Oh yeah
(Queen of my heart)
Oh yes you are
The queen of my heart
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
wohoo! xm's over :)
i like ~
ahaha. but there's nothing interesting to be talked about.
so i'm not gonna write long.
well. i'm going to kelantan with effy this friday,
cant wait! :) we're gonna hav fun kn effy?
anyhoo, i'm gonna get some of my results tomorrow
but i'm not planning to on9
so. gonna tell you my results when i'm back.
or when there's any empty computers around :)
haha.till then.
my life right now,
is just the way it is.
just cant describe it.
thats that.
ahaha. but there's nothing interesting to be talked about.
so i'm not gonna write long.
well. i'm going to kelantan with effy this friday,
cant wait! :) we're gonna hav fun kn effy?
anyhoo, i'm gonna get some of my results tomorrow
but i'm not planning to on9
so. gonna tell you my results when i'm back.
or when there's any empty computers around :)
haha.till then.
my life right now,
is just the way it is.
just cant describe it.
thats that.
Monday, February 15, 2010
audy kuhh..
haha. audyy,,
tadie.. aku bace blog kao..
ntah nape.. aku rase sebak sangat..
ntah nape.. aku rse parut nie bdarah balekk..
aku musykill jugakk..
tibe2. mate aku brair.pipi aku basah. hati aku perit.
knape ek? tibe2 tdie.
aku terdetik nk tgk evrything yg ade kaitan ngan kao.
hmm..mungken, aku sedih tgk kao sedih,
mungken, aku harapkan persahabatan kte yg dulu
mungken, aku sedih tgk kao kne hadapi semua ini sorg2.
aku igt lagih. 25062009.
hari jadi ku. kao datang. :) aku suka.
hehe :)) tiba2..
kao tanye.. wawa, aku nombor brpe dlm atie kao?
maaf sgt2 audy. aku minx maaf.
sbb aku tak beri jawapan yg jujur ikhlas dari hati aku.
maafkan aku kerna berbohong tnpe ku sedari.
kao tau, jawapan sbnr aku. same cm jwpn kao arituh.
cme, aku takot. takot dipandang serong sbagai seorang yg lupe kawan.
tpie. kini. hnye aku yg dilupakan.
tpie. takpe.. itu tidak penting.
persoalan di hati ku, hnyelahh..
kini, masehkahh jawapan itu tetap same ?
Thursday, February 11, 2010
oyy2. follow my new blog lahh.
more updates coming up! :) wee~
Monday, December 28, 2009
their happy ending.
hurm. they kinda got into a big fight.
that's why we have to end this friendship.
ok. i try to understand.
so its over. i'm better now.
tears makes me stronger.
then i texted his gf.
and told her. i was sorry for everything :)
n etc. ( you dont have to know )
haha. and as you know.
i love people easily. haha :P
i dont know how to explain how this fact links to the story.
nvm then. and i talked to her.
and i ask her to forgive him, for me.
n finally she forgives him.
good for them. at least they have their happy ending.
and i'm glad for them. i just wished we(he n i) could be friends.
but if we really cant. its ok.
then i told her that she knows she loves him.
n i told him that he loves her too.
n etc. just to make sure they're ok.
haha :P
so i'm over.
disappearing slowly into thin air. haha. wee~ :)
i love both of them. :P
the last for me.

i guess. this is my last post.
i cant believe its gonna end this way.
never thought bout it.
maybe. just let me describe my feelings in bm right now.
for the last time maybe.
haaa..betapa peritnye hatiku menerima kenyataan
kenyataan yang tidak pernah terlintas di fikiran ku.
tidak pernah ku terfikir aku akn kehilangan seorang kawan
yg aku sayang. begini.
sakitnye. mungkin tidak pernah akan hilang.
mungkin tidak pernah akan luntur.
kerna kenangan itu telah tersemat rapi dan abadi di hatiku.
kini.badanku terase lemah. bagaikn jiwaku diambil dari badanku.
ku terasa. badan ku sejuk.meremang
tanganku menggigil. tidak terdaya untuk menaip.
ku gambarkan perasaan ku perlahan-lahan.
memandang screen ini. terasa betapa kosongnya fikiran ku sekarang.
maaf. dikau meminta supaya aku tidak mengalirkan air mataku.
tetapi. air mataku mengalir tanpaku sedari.
maaf aku tidak dapat menyempurnakan permintaan mu.
kerna aku adalah aku.
yang lemah dan penuh kasih sayang.
aku tidak mengerti semua ini.
kini. semuanya kabur.
dikau pergi. bersama kasih sayang ku dikau menghilang
mungkin. aku perlu lupekan semua ini bukan?
bersama kenangan manis ku juga?
derita ini. terlalu berat untuk ku tanggung.
aku tidak janji padamu yg aku akn melupakan mu.
tapi. ku janji ku akan cuba jua.
seharusnya, aku telah jangka semua ini akn berlaku bukan?
ya. mungkin aku telah tahu.
mungkin. selama ini aku memang tahu.
cuma. tidak ku sangka pengakhirannya akn jadi begini.
tebih teruk dari yg ku sangkakan.
sebelum ini. tatkala ku memikirkan pengakhirannya.
jiwa ku resah.gelisah.gundah.gulana.
setiap ayat setiap kata. semua dusta.
kini. ape yang ku rasakan?
jiwa ku. tiada. bagaikan dirobek keluar dari diriku.
perit...sakit...namun. apakah daya?
itulah kelemahan diriku.
aku berharap. suatu hari nanti.
semua ini akn berlalu jua.
aku kesal akn semua yang terjadi.
tapi aku berterima kasih kerana bertemu dengan dikau.
setidaknya. aku mempunyai teman baru.
tapi kini aku akn kehilangan seorang teman lama.
kini. kita adalah kenangan.
dibawa angin. terbang tinggi ke langit.
aku berharap. suatu hari nanti.
bila dikau pandang ke langit.
dikau akn igt pada ku.
kerna aku, sebagai seorang sahabat.
akan sentiasa berada di situ selagi dikau masih ingat padaku.
kini. akhirnya, aku perlu berhadapan dengan kebenaran.
yg ku gentar selama ini.
tidak tergambar perasaan ku kini.
aku buntu.
hatiku. telah kosong.
dikau kata, aku akn bertemu dgn org lain.
mungken benar. tetapi. mengapakah persahabatan ini perlu berakhir?
aku maseh tidak mengerti.
tetapi. kebahagiaan dikau. adalah kebahagiaan diriku.
segala yang terbaik untuk dirimu.
adalah yang terbaik buat diriku.
ya. kini aku pasrah.
aku berdoa.supaya dikau sentiasa bahagia.
sentiasa. dan selamanya.
aku harap. aku dapat ungkaikan segalan perasaan dan luahan di lubuk hati ku ini,
namun.aku tidak terdaya untuk menerus kn segala ini.
(*/missing text/*)
Saturday, December 26, 2009
flashbacks :(
i was out today..
buying some stuff n etc.
blah blah blah.
and then i felt a vibration in my pocket.
well, obviously, its my phone,
* 1 new message *
from 017211****
ohh. its *him* .
i'm quite shocked. coz. its been weeks since we last texted.
2 weeks n 2 days.
and when i saw his number.
suddenly all those memories came flashing back.
n how i've missed him. awe~ :P
btw, guess what did he say.
"oit. elow. heheh. ade org nk no. wa bule? name ie **. cousn *** uwh. huhu"
i was kinda upset i guess.
but i dont exactly know why. hurm..
then i replied,
"hurm? suke atie *** lah. as long as u're happy"
somesort like that i think. hahah.
n finally he replied.
"heheh.tpew2. *** x bg. jgn majuk k. k2. tc. gud job for gettin 8as. heks."
and suddenly, i dont get it.
what is he trying to say? or show? or wtv.
i dont know. hurm..
but i just misses him back.
haha. adoi! :P
wish we could stay friends.
now i kinda feel akward texing him or sumthin.
even a little.
coz.. idk. heh. well. thats it bout him.
n today. i kinda fight with my sis yesterday.
till today.
so i dont talk to her till now.
and.... i dont really know how to describe this feeling.
umm..so thats it. i'm off. thaa~
buying some stuff n etc.
blah blah blah.
and then i felt a vibration in my pocket.
well, obviously, its my phone,
* 1 new message *
from 017211****
ohh. its *him* .
i'm quite shocked. coz. its been weeks since we last texted.
2 weeks n 2 days.
and when i saw his number.
suddenly all those memories came flashing back.
n how i've missed him. awe~ :P
btw, guess what did he say.
"oit. elow. heheh. ade org nk no. wa bule? name ie **. cousn *** uwh. huhu"
i was kinda upset i guess.
but i dont exactly know why. hurm..
then i replied,
"hurm? suke atie *** lah. as long as u're happy"
somesort like that i think. hahah.
n finally he replied.
"heheh.tpew2. *** x bg. jgn majuk k. k2. tc. gud job for gettin 8as. heks."
and suddenly, i dont get it.
what is he trying to say? or show? or wtv.
i dont know. hurm..
but i just misses him back.
haha. adoi! :P
wish we could stay friends.
now i kinda feel akward texing him or sumthin.
even a little.
coz.. idk. heh. well. thats it bout him.
n today. i kinda fight with my sis yesterday.
till today.
so i dont talk to her till now.
and.... i dont really know how to describe this feeling.
umm..so thats it. i'm off. thaa~
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
says who?
says facebook :
that there is no such thing as conditional love.
Love is either unconditional or it's no love.
You might like someone conditional on their personality or behavior or circumstances.
But love accepts no boundaries.
So never say 'I love you because', for love has no cause,
love comes from God.
Friday, December 18, 2009
i have a new blog keyh.
so i'm gonna have 2 blog.
both are gonna be active :)
one is the sad blog and the other is the happy blog.
haha..just check it out.
you'll know what its all about later. :)
read both blogs ok? :)
so i'm gonna have 2 blog.
both are gonna be active :)
one is the sad blog and the other is the happy blog.
haha..just check it out.
you'll know what its all about later. :)
read both blogs ok? :)
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